In Blue - Vassily Kandinsky
In Blue - Vassily Kandinsky

In this work, Vassily Kandinsky uses mainly blue which was his spiritual color. But what strikes at first are the bright colors that will invade the space of the table, then gradually overlap, spacing, dissolve, then return but mixed to form an abstract work. Kandinsky liked to think that "to create a work is to create a world". It is common for the artist to centre his works around a particular colour, as is also the case for Heavy Red.
Want to buy another painting by Vassily Kandinsky? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
L'œuvre en bref
In this work, Vassily Kandinsky uses mainly blue which was his spiritual color. But what strikes at first are the bright colors that will invade the space of the table, then gradually overlap, spacing, dissolve, then return but mixed to form an abstract work. Kandinsky liked to think that "to create a work is to create a world". It is common for the artist to centre his works around a particular colour, as is also the case for Heavy Red.
Want to buy another painting by Vassily Kandinsky? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
Comparez avec l’original
Reproduction of In Blue by Vassily Kandinsky

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Jean-Sebastien Altmann

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