Life is a struggle (The Golden Knight) - Gustav Klimt
L'œuvre en bref
Gustav Klimt's Life is a Battle (The Golden Knight) depicts a singular representation of a warrior on horseback in shining armour. The knight, depicted in profile, exudes determination and resilience in the face of adversity. His armour, with its intricate geometric patterns and glittering gold, contrasts with the dark and tumultuous background, symbolising light in the midst of darkness.
The background of the painting is made up of abstract forms and deep colours, creating an intense and enigmatic atmosphere. This opposition between the brightness of the knight and the surrounding darkness can be seen as an allegory of the perpetual struggle between good and evil, as well as man's constant quest to triumph over the trials of life.
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Comparez avec l’original
Reproduction of The Great Alley at Giverny by Claude Monet

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Jean-Sebastien Altmann

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