Poppy Field - Claude Monet

Excellent 300+ avis vérifiés
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Poppy Field - Claude Monet
Fin d'année -30%

Poppy Field - Claude Monet

Excellent 300+ avis vérifiés

This work reflects the impressionist movement by the technique used and the importance of light. Claude Monet wanted to paint the leisure activities linked to nature in the 19th century in opposition to the industrialization of the city and the pleasures linked to it. In the foreground, off-center to the right, is an elegant woman with an umbrella and a straw hat, accompanied by a child. This is probably his first wife with her son.

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Select a size 53 x 69 cm
Select a frame None
Voir le guide des encadrements

Only 1 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 1 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 1 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 1 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 1 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

Only 2 painting(s) available in this size!

€ 439.00


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L'œuvre en bref

This work reflects the impressionist movement by the technique used and the importance of light. Claude Monet wanted to paint the leisure activities linked to nature in the 19th century in opposition to the industrialization of the city and the pleasures linked to it. In the foreground, off-center to the right, is an elegant woman with an umbrella and a straw hat, accompanied by a child. This is probably his first wife with her son.

Would you like to buy another painting by Claude Monet? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.

Comparez avec l’original

Reproduction of Poppy Field by Claude Monet

Notre reproduction

Découvrez notre expert agréé

Jean-Sebastien Altmann

Expert en œuvre d’art agréé de la Chambre National des Experts Spécialisés (CNES)

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Installés à Genève, nous collaborons exclusivement avec des artisans suisses pour la préparation et mise en valeur de nos tableaux. Chaque tableau est ensuite expertisé par Jean-Sebastien Altmann, membre du CNES, et un certificat d’authenticité vous est transmis.

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