The Tree of life - Gustav Klimt
The Tree of life - Gustav Klimt

This painting is a mosaic mural by Gustav Klimt, commissioned in 1904 by a Belgian client. It is actually a triptych entitled: "The Waiting", "The Tree of Life" and "The Fulfillment". It represents the complexity of human feelings and is meant to be a symbol of love. The yellow background is often used by the artist in his works, as we see in The Kiss and Lady with Fan.
Would you like to buy another Gustav Klimt painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
L'œuvre en bref
This painting is a mosaic mural by Gustav Klimt, commissioned in 1904 by a Belgian client. It is actually a triptych entitled: "The Waiting", "The Tree of Life" and "The Fulfillment". It represents the complexity of human feelings and is meant to be a symbol of love. The yellow background is often used by the artist in his works, as we see in The Kiss and Lady with Fan.
Would you like to buy another Gustav Klimt painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
Comparez avec l’original
Reproduction of The Tree of life by Gustav Klimt

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