The window on the city no. 3 - Robert Delaunay
L'œuvre en bref
The window on the City No. 3, by the French artist Robert Delaunay, is an oil painting on canvas created in 1911. The painting illustrates a cubist vision of the city of Paris, featuring the artist's signature bright colours and geometric shapes.
In this composition, we can see the emblematic architectural elements of Paris, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Haussmann roofs. These structures are deconstructed and recomposed into a mosaic of facets in various hues, creating a dynamic and fragmented representation of the city. The planes intermingle and the colours juxtapose, revealing a unique vision of the metropolis. Delaunay uses shades of blue, green, red and purple to create a lively and animated atmosphere, reflecting the frenetic pace of urban life.
Want to buy another Robert Delaunay painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
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