Unequal - Vassily Kandinsky
L'œuvre en bref
Unequal is a work by Vassily Kandinsky, a Russian artist considered a pioneer of abstract art. The composition of the painting is complex and rhythmic, combining geometric elements including a circle and rectangles. These shapes intertwine and overlap, creating an effect of depth and movement on a grey background.
Kandinsky mastered abstraction by playing with the interactions between shapes, colours and space. "Unequal" is an eloquent example of his talent for expressing emotions and sensations through an innovative abstract visual language. This work demonstrates the artist's willingness to push the boundaries of traditional representation, offering a unique and challenging visual experience for the viewer.
Want to buy another Vassily Kandinsky painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
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Reproduction of Unequal by Vassily Kandinsky

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