Sunflower 1908 - Egon Schiele
Sunflower 1908 - Egon Schiele

Forgotten for many years, it was nearly 60 years later that this marvellous black sun would pass on the incredible story into which it was plunged at the dawn of the Second World War.
Nevertheless, what will make this painting so successful, apart from the mystery it has long aroused, is the unfurled composition of this sunflower, all in verticality, giving an impression of ascension, reinforced by the faded blue frame.
The largest sunflower, black and drooping, protects the three smaller ones still in full development. The latter, rich in their yellow colour and strong in their unfurled petals, instil a feeling of blossoming in the shadow of the sacrifice and protection of the one that was the first bud and whose only way out seems to be to the earth.
Want to buy another Egon Schiele painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist. Want to buy another Egon Schiele painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
L'œuvre en bref
Forgotten for many years, it was nearly 60 years later that this marvellous black sun would pass on the incredible story into which it was plunged at the dawn of the Second World War.
Nevertheless, what will make this painting so successful, apart from the mystery it has long aroused, is the unfurled composition of this sunflower, all in verticality, giving an impression of ascension, reinforced by the faded blue frame.
The largest sunflower, black and drooping, protects the three smaller ones still in full development. The latter, rich in their yellow colour and strong in their unfurled petals, instil a feeling of blossoming in the shadow of the sacrifice and protection of the one that was the first bud and whose only way out seems to be to the earth.
Want to buy another Egon Schiele painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist. Want to buy another Egon Schiele painting? Discover all our reproductions of this artist.
Comparez avec l’original
Reproduction of Sunflower 1908 by Egon Schiele

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