The Embrace - Egon Schiele
L'œuvre en bref
A melancholic homage to Klimt's Kiss, the embrace adds its shadowy lands to the master's palette. Embraced and entangled, the lovers seem to send back a bodily prosopopeia that we could not hear. The position of their shadowy bodies forms a love triangle in which the spectator is easily invited by the plunging view offered to him.
Absorbed in this dance, yet naked, they clothe themselves in their embrace, making each other's skin new. Flooded with ebony hair, while she passionately hides under her lover's strong, protruding body, they express their weakness and distress in passion and affection. The whiteness of the sheets as a breakthrough of hope illuminates the uncertainties governing the human condition of loving hearts.
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Reproduction of The Embrace by Egon Schiele

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